Committee for Mechanics

The Committee for Mechanics was established by a resolution of the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences on March 26, 1960. In July of the same year, the Committee for Mechanics changed its name to the Committee for Applied Mechanics, and in 1966 the Committee was renamed the Committee for Continuum Mechanics and Physics. Then, in 1978, the Committee returned to its original name of the Committee for Mechanics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The founder of the Committee for Mechanics was Prof. Witold Nowacki, Secretary of Division IV of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The first Chairman of the Committee for Mechanics was Prof. Wacław Olszak. The Committee conducts activities in the field of sciences related to the discipline of Mechanics, and in particular in the field of mechanics of continuum, including solid state mechanics and fluid mechanics. In addition, the Committee for Mechanics deals with detailed issues in biomechanics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, fluid mechanics, experimental mechanics, computational mechanics and optimization methods. The Committee for Mechanics of the Polish Academy of Sciences serves as a National Committee in two international institutions important to the Mechanics community: The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) and the International Center for Mechanical Sciences (CISM). IUTAM is a worldwide organization of national delegations of Mechanics from all over the world, which plays a leading role in promoting the development of mechanical sciences. CISM operates in Udine, Italy, and is one of those few international organizations with which Poland not only cooperates, but in whose founding and further operation the Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish scientists have played a leading role.

The activities of the PAS Committee for Mechanics are concerned with research in the following scientific areas:

  • solid mechanics and particularly mechanics of materials,
  • structural mechanics,
  • fluid mechanics,
  • biomechanics,
  • dynamics of material systems,
  • mechatronics,
  • optimization of systems and processes,
  • detection and investigation of the laws governing motion, deformation and strenth of material media,
  • quantum mechanics.

The PAS Committee for Mechanics has been established in 1960.

The Committee acts as the National Committee for Cooperation with the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) and International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM).



Structure of the  PAS Committee for Mechanics:


  • Biomechanics Section – Section chair prof. dr hab. Ewa Majchrzak
  • Computational Mechanics Section – Section chair prof. dr hab. Witold Cecot
  • Dynamics Section – Section chair prof. dr hab. Jerzy Warmiński
  • Experimental Mechanics Section – Section chair prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Kowalewski
  • Fluid Mechanics Section – Section chair prof. dr hab. Jacek Pozorski
  • Mechanics of Materials Section – Section chair prof. dr hab. Stanisław Stupkiewicz
  • Optimization Section – Section chair prof. dr hab. Tomasz Lewiński


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